

MANUSCRIPT PAYMENTS: Another matter that has been on my worry list for a long time is the payment for material printed. Such payment was promised and the obligation has been acknowl- edged several times. But for some time there was a shortage of money after the receivership of several years ago and after that it was simply a question of spending time on that or on other matters. Finally, however, and little by little Mary has been able to get these obligations worked off and payments have been made for material which appeared up to volums 50 and 51 (and all be) fore) and the rest will be brought up to date as soon as possible. Payment is being made in the form of credit slips which are as good as money in ordering new material.

IV. PICTURE ALBUM ISSUE: This will probably be the first issue after my return which means the one after this (which has been mailed during my abscence) or No 58. Please, if you'd like to be represented by some recent good pictures of your femmeself SEND THEM IN NOW so they will be ready on my return. Not more than two of a person will be printed in this issue, and prob- ably sideways on the page so that they can be bigger. So pick out two different ones (not two poses in the same dress, or 2 dresses with the same backgrounds, or 1 in street dress and on in a cock- tail dress etc. Select a pair that show you off completely and best. And TRY TO SMILE! I can't understand why a fun thing like TVing so often leads to serious un-smiling faces. Laugh a little and live it up.



This service to FPE members

was set up in TVis No 55 (which see). When you send a letter for- wardnig tell us who in your area you already know if any so that we won't forward the letter to somebody with whom you are already acquainted. Don't forget-stamped, unsealed, addressed to "Dear Friend" and $1.